LOKAL Restaurant is designed to be a locally supplied restaurant, where we’ve been struggling to develop recipes that require more of local ingredients than the imported ones. We call it LOKAL food, and ranging from To Begin With (starters), Mains, Closures (desserts) and Drinks. This is one of our ways to embrace our surroundings, and at the same time, introducing new sets of menu on a routine basis to our guests. Kandura Keramik makes the dining wares exclusively for LOKAL Restaurant. Whereas the interior fixtures, are designed and built by MISC Indonesia, utilizing local workshops and environmental-friendly materials. The iOS POS System has also been developed by Jogjakarta based developers, Ontel Studio along with outstanding GUI Design by Bitcribs Indonesia . Business hours are set from 6.30am – 11pm (SUN-THU) and 1am (FRI-SAT), and we are serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, and private functions (by reservations).
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